They are Francesco Papa (Italy), Magdalena Sypniewski (France), and Eva Ter-Sarkisova (Latvia).
During the evening, the following scholarships were also awarded:
Annika Starc from Germany received the € 750,00 scholarship offered by the Municipality of Vittorio Veneto for the best interpretation of J.S. Bach in the first round.
Francesco Papa from Italy received the € 750,00 scholarship offered by Ascom Servizi Vittorio Veneto srl for the youngest semifinalist and the € 750,00 scholarship offered by Confartigianato Vittorio Veneto for the best interpretation of a Sonata in the second round.
Eva Ter-Sarkisova from Latvia received the € 750,00 scholarship offered by Vittorio Eventi for the best interpretation of Augusta Read Thomas's "Incantation" in the second round.
The final will take place at the Lorenzo Da Ponte Theater on Sunday, August 27th, at 5:00 PM in the presence of the orchestra formed by "Gli Archi della Scala" and musicians from the RAI Symphony Orchestra, conducted for this special occasion by London maestro David Coleman. The event, with reservation-based admission, can also be followed online on Facebook and YouTube.
The competition prizes are as follows:
1st PRIZE "PROSECCO DOC" of €8,000 offered by the Consorzio di Tutela del Prosecco DOC.
2nd PRIZE of €5,000 offered by Banca Prealpi San Biagio.
3rd PRIZE of €2,000 offered by Rotary Club Vittorio Veneto.
A valuable bow worth €3,000, specially crafted for this edition of the competition by master bow maker Nicola Galliena of Milan. The bow was awarded by the jury to Magdalena Sypniewski from France.
The overall winner of the Violin Competition, if designated, will also secure a series of concerts on major Italian stages.
For those who wish to attend the final in person, reservations and pre-sales are available at the Vittorio Veneto IAT (Tourist Information Office) on weekdays and Saturdays from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, and Sunday mornings from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM. Phone: +39 0438 57243 Mail: iat@comune.vittorio-veneto.tv.it
All events will be live-streamed online at:
33rd Violin Competition “Città di Vittorio Veneto”
Prosecco DOC International Prize
22nd – 27th August 2023
Vittorio Veneto (TV), Italia