
First test

  • Monday 27th September (competitors whose surnames have the initials A-G/H) *
  • Thurdsay 28th September (competitors whose surnames have the initials H/I-N/O) *
  • Wednesday 29th September (competitors whose surnames have the initials O/P-Z) *            

* Indicative distribution: the daily placement of competitors will depend on the overall distribution of the initials of the surnames of the competitors admitted to the Competition.

Second test

Thursday 30th September

Third test

Saturday 2nd October at 5:00 p.m.

By June 10th, 2021 the final calendar (with indication of locations, dates, times) will be communicated to all admitted competitors via e-mail sent to the address indicated by the competitor in the application. It will also be published on the website of the competition.

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